Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

Aims, Ethos and Vision

School Vision, Values and Ethos

Framwellgate Moor Primary School is ‘more than just a school’

Our school motto is:

Forever Making Pupils Shine


A warm welcome to Framwellgate Moor Primary and Nursery School
Forever Making Pupils Shine

I am really proud to be Head Teacher at Framwellgate Moor Primary School and to work with a dedicated team to provide the best education and life skills for the children in our care.

Since becoming Head Teacher in September 2009 we have developed a clear vision which holds our school values at the core of everything we do, as we aspire our children to be: POSITIVE, CHALLENGED, SAFE, TOLERANT, KIND, HONEST, BRAVE, ASPIRATIONAL, RESILIENT and RESPECTFUL.

We strive to ensure all our children achieve their academic potential but also ensure that our Curriculum for Life, supports our pupils with healthy lifestyle choices, mental health and wellbeing and socially developing skills which will be needed as they move on through life.

The education and welfare of our children is paramount and I am proud of how hard our staff and governors work to build positive relationships with our families and community and have enjoyed putting the school back into the centre of Framwellgate Moor.

Our Aims

  • To deliver a high quality teaching and learning experience for our pupils that promotes high standards and accelerated progress for all;
  • To promote a love of education for all learners and to equip them with the tools to take ownership of their own learning;
  • To promote children’s self-esteem, their rights and responsibilities;
  • To create a welcoming atmosphere in school where children, staff, parents and visitors feel valued;
  • To have high expectations for all within our community to ensure that we demonstrate the very best standards of conduct, moral purpose and integrity;
  • To work in local, national and global partnerships in order to strengthen curriculum links and promote an awareness of the wider world;
  • To ensure that our pupils feel safe and secure and enjoy coming to school.

We will accomplish this by CELEBRATING children’s achievements and resilience

  • Placing teaching and learning at the heart of everything we do;
  • Delivering innovative and effective teaching and learning;
  • Working in partnership with other schools and businesses;
  • Providing an exciting, broad and challenging learning experience;
  • Promoting a RESILIENT â€˜Have a go’ culture where children have the confidence to challenge themselves as learners;
  • Promoting the confidence and engagement of parents and carers in the learning of their children and the development of good behaviour.
  • Providing pupils with an exciting and inspiring curriculum with lots of opportunities for visits and visitors and hands on experiences related to real life contexts;
  • Excellent teaching in a fit for purpose environment that is well resourced;
  • Responsive, pro-active and effective monitoring mechanisms.

Pupils Will Be Supported by:

  • Excellent pastoral care – always have someone to talk to
  • Happy staff that are provided lots of opportunities for professional development
  • High quality resources
  • Strong parental engagement
  • A supportive and highly skilled governing body
  • Astute financial management
  • Clear guidelines, policies and processes that everyone understands and follows.


Star of the Week in each class
Head Teachers award
Golden Table award
Lucky Dips
Class certificates
House Points
Opportunities to share talents and skills learn outside of school

Prospective parents may wish to view the about our school section of our website. Here we provide current information on school performance, our School Brochure and information on our curriculum. Details of applying for a place in our school can be found within the School Admissions section.

Parents of pupils already at our school may wish to visit our Parent Information section, where details can be found about holiday datesschool uniform and current newsletters.

Outstanding Ofsted 2012

We were absolutely delighted to announce that Framwellgate Moor Primary achieved OUTSTANDING in overall effectiveness of the school.

  • Achievement of pupils – OUTSTANDING
  • Quality of teaching – OUTSTANDING
  • Behaviour and safety of pupils – OUTSTANDING
  • Leadership and management – OUTSTANDING

I am incredibly proud of the children and so impressed with how hard they worked during lessons despite the many exciting Christmas events taking place that week. OFSTED Inspectors were overwhelmed by children’s attitude to learning, behaviour and the overall enthusiastic and motivated attitude in all areas of school life.

Bethan Smith
Head Teacher

Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

Aims, Ethos and Vision

School Vision, Values and Ethos

Framwellgate Moor Primary School is ‘more than just a school’

Our school motto is:

Forever Making Pupils Shine


A warm welcome to Framwellgate Moor Primary and Nursery School
Forever Making Pupils Shine

I am really proud to be Head Teacher at Framwellgate Moor Primary School and to work with a dedicated team to provide the best education and life skills for the children in our care.

Since becoming Head Teacher in September 2009 we have developed a clear vision which holds our school values at the core of everything we do, as we aspire our children to be: POSITIVE, CHALLENGED, SAFE, TOLERANT, KIND, HONEST, BRAVE, ASPIRATIONAL, RESILIENT and RESPECTFUL.

We strive to ensure all our children achieve their academic potential but also ensure that our Curriculum for Life, supports our pupils with healthy lifestyle choices, mental health and wellbeing and socially developing skills which will be needed as they move on through life.

The education and welfare of our children is paramount and I am proud of how hard our staff and governors work to build positive relationships with our families and community and have enjoyed putting the school back into the centre of Framwellgate Moor.

Our Aims

  • To deliver a high quality teaching and learning experience for our pupils that promotes high standards and accelerated progress for all;
  • To promote a love of education for all learners and to equip them with the tools to take ownership of their own learning;
  • To promote children’s self-esteem, their rights and responsibilities;
  • To create a welcoming atmosphere in school where children, staff, parents and visitors feel valued;
  • To have high expectations for all within our community to ensure that we demonstrate the very best standards of conduct, moral purpose and integrity;
  • To work in local, national and global partnerships in order to strengthen curriculum links and promote an awareness of the wider world;
  • To ensure that our pupils feel safe and secure and enjoy coming to school.

We will accomplish this by CELEBRATING children’s achievements and resilience

  • Placing teaching and learning at the heart of everything we do;
  • Delivering innovative and effective teaching and learning;
  • Working in partnership with other schools and businesses;
  • Providing an exciting, broad and challenging learning experience;
  • Promoting a RESILIENT â€˜Have a go’ culture where children have the confidence to challenge themselves as learners;
  • Promoting the confidence and engagement of parents and carers in the learning of their children and the development of good behaviour.
  • Providing pupils with an exciting and inspiring curriculum with lots of opportunities for visits and visitors and hands on experiences related to real life contexts;
  • Excellent teaching in a fit for purpose environment that is well resourced;
  • Responsive, pro-active and effective monitoring mechanisms.

Pupils Will Be Supported by:

  • Excellent pastoral care – always have someone to talk to
  • Happy staff that are provided lots of opportunities for professional development
  • High quality resources
  • Strong parental engagement
  • A supportive and highly skilled governing body
  • Astute financial management
  • Clear guidelines, policies and processes that everyone understands and follows.


Star of the Week in each class
Head Teachers award
Golden Table award
Lucky Dips
Class certificates
House Points
Opportunities to share talents and skills learn outside of school

Prospective parents may wish to view the about our school section of our website. Here we provide current information on school performance, our School Brochure and information on our curriculum. Details of applying for a place in our school can be found within the School Admissions section.

Parents of pupils already at our school may wish to visit our Parent Information section, where details can be found about holiday datesschool uniform and current newsletters.

Outstanding Ofsted 2012

We were absolutely delighted to announce that Framwellgate Moor Primary achieved OUTSTANDING in overall effectiveness of the school.

  • Achievement of pupils – OUTSTANDING
  • Quality of teaching – OUTSTANDING
  • Behaviour and safety of pupils – OUTSTANDING
  • Leadership and management – OUTSTANDING

I am incredibly proud of the children and so impressed with how hard they worked during lessons despite the many exciting Christmas events taking place that week. OFSTED Inspectors were overwhelmed by children’s attitude to learning, behaviour and the overall enthusiastic and motivated attitude in all areas of school life.

Bethan Smith
Head Teacher