Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

Butterflies Gallery

Shiney Readers!

We are very proud of our Shiny readers in Butterflies this week. The children have chosen some amazing stories to share with all our friends. Well done everyone! 


ice cream van visit 

Today we had a very special visitor come to nursery, The ice cream man! The children all brought in £1.50 in a purse or wallet and were able to visit the ice cream van to buy their own ice cream. They could choose a Mr Whippy with a flake and add some yummy strawberry sauce on the top. The rain didn’t stop us from all enjoying a yummy ice cream and the children all had so much fun. 


Fire Engine Visit 

9.1.24 Chinese New Year 2024 The Year of the Dragon.

The children in Butterflies made a dragon to celebrate Chinese New Year. We did some amazing dancing and took the children up the school to show all the other classes our amazing dragon.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Chinese New Year 2024 The Year of the Dragon. - image 1

24.4.23 Adam Bushnell visit

A local author called Adam Bushnell came to visit nursery. He told us two exciting stories about St George and a dragon. The children joined in with lots of actions to help tell the story. Afterwards some of the children had a go at wearing some of the armour and holding the weapons.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Adam Bushnell visit - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Adam Bushnell visit - image 2

24.4.23 The Tiny Seed

This week the children in Butterflies have all planted their own sunflower seeds. We have talked about how we will care for our seeds to help them grow. We also planted cress seeds and put some in a sunny window and some in a dark cupboard. We talked about what we think will happen to the seeds and will observe them, discussing what we notice over the next few weeks.
We have been doing lots of painting and observational drawing of flowers both indoors and outdoors. We went for a walk in the school grounds and painted the spring flowers that we found. We enjoyed using the Ipads to take our own photographs of the flowers.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The Tiny Seed - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The Tiny Seed - image 2
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The Tiny Seed - image 3

17.4.23 Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we read the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Each group planted their own beans and know that we will need to to water them to help them grow. We are going to observe and measure their growth over the next few weeks. We measured some pretend beanstalks using the big building blocks outside. First we ordered them from tallest to shortest and then we measured how many blocks tall each one was. In the malleable area, we made beanstalks with green playdough onto playdough mats. We counted the number of ladybirds on each leaf and found the matching numeral and numicon piece. Then we counted the number of beans into the numicon circles.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Jack and the Beanstalk - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Jack and the Beanstalk - image 2

Easter 2023

We had lots of fun this Easter. We went on an egg hunt outside and found lots of Easter eggs hidden outside. We collected the eggs into our baskets and counted how many we had found. We melted chocolate and mixed it with Shredded Wheat to make delicious Easter nests. We found out about an Easter tradition of egg rolling and had lots of fun rolling eggs down the hill to see which egg rolled the furthest. Finally, as an end of term Easter treat we had lots of fun using the play equipment in the big school yard. What a fun and busy term we have had!

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Easter 2023 - image 1
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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Easter 2023 - image 3


Today we had a visitor who who taught us some yoga. They told a story of an adventure through the jungle. We used yoga to help to tell the story. We had to have good balance, strength and concentration. It was lots of fun too.

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20.3.23 Nobot the robot

This week we read the story ‘Nobot the robot.’ We used a programmable toy robot and programmed the robot to move to pictures of characters from the story. We designed and made robots using junk materials. The children wanted the robots that they made to move so we made cup robots and put a battery powered hexbug underneath to make them move. We used magnets to sort objects into two groups (magnetic and non-magnetic). We also explored the environment with the magnets to see which objects they would stick to.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Nobot the robot - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Nobot the robot - image 2

13.3.23 Whatever Next?

This week we read the story ‘Whatever Next?’ In the story Baby Bear made a rocket to fly to the moon. We went on a 2D shape hunt outside and made giant rocket pictures with the shapes. We designed and made a healthy sandwich for Baby Bear to take on his trip to the moon. On science day we investigated different ways of making different moving rockets such as air powered rockets, balloon rockets, straw rockets and bottle rockets with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Whatever Next? - image 1

6.3.23 Toys from the past.

This week in Butterflies we read the story ‘Lost at the toy museum.’ We enjoyed exploring a selection of toys from the past. We looked a range of toys including marbles, a swinging man, a jack in the box and a wire run.

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World Book Day

This week we celebrated World Book Day. The children were invited to come to Nursery dressed as a character from a story and there were some excellent costumes. We had lots of story times and read some of our favourite books. In Nusrery we had a story tent where the children enjoyed looking at books independently, with a friend or with a grown up. We had story times in the hall, lying on the mats under a blanket. We had some special visitors from the older children who came to Nursery to read us some stories.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - World Book Day - image 1
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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - World Book Day - image 5

The staff all got dressed up too and read their favourite story to the children. We had lots of fun doing some exciting activities linked to their character’s stories.


Mrs Kelly dressed up as an alien from ‘Aliens love underpants’ and we made some colourful underpants using different patterns and collage materials.


Miss French dressed up as ‘Supertato’ and we used real potatoes to make our own ‘Supertato.’

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Supertato - image 0

Miss Pendleton dressed up as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland and helped us to make some bubbling potions.

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland - image 0

Miss Storey dressed up as ‘Winnie the Witch and helped us to make some tasty magic wands with breadsticks, icing sugar and sprinkles.


The treasure of Pirate Frank

This week we read the story ‘The Treasure of Pirate Frank.’ We followed a map of our outdoor area to find the pirate’s hidden treasure outside . We drew our own pirate maps and died the paper with tea bags to make them look old. We also had a go at drawing our own maps to show our journey from home to Nursery. We talked about things that we saw on our journey to Nursery. First we worked together to create a big map on big paper using pens, blocks, small world cars and figures. Then we each drew our own individual maps.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The treasure of Pirate Frank - image 1
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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The treasure of Pirate Frank - image 4
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - The treasure of Pirate Frank - image 5

We’re going on a bear hunt

This week we read the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.’ The children enjoyed going on a bear hunt in Nursery garden. We had pictures of 10 bears to find on our clipboards. We searched for the bears outside and then looked carefully to find and tick the matching pictures.

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - We’re going on a bear hunt - image 0
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - We’re going on a bear hunt - image 1

Squiggle while you wiggle

The children have been practising their mark making skills by making marks on paper to music. First we dance to the music with colourful pieces of fabric. Then we repeat the same moves but this time we use our crayons on big paper and move to the music.

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Squiggle while you wiggle - image 0
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Squiggle while you wiggle - image 1

Animals around the world

This week we read the story ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and found out about wild animals and where they live. The children have enjoyed playing with the small world animals and can sort the animals according to where they live (land animals, sea creatures and polar animals). They also enjoy using loose part to create imaginative small worlds for the animals to live in.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Animals around the world - image 1

Polar animals

This week we read the story ‘Lost and Found.’ In the story the little boy helps the penguin to find his way back to the South Pole. The penguin uses an umbrella for a boat so we decided to make our own boats. We tested different objects and materials to see which were waterproof and which would float and sink. The tin foil was the best waterproof material so everyone made a tin foil boat and tested how many figures could fit in their boat before it sank.

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Polar animals - image 0

We found out about different animals that live in the polar regions and made some polar bear biscuits. We melted white chocolate to spread onto the biscuits. When the chocolate was cold it was hard and difficult to snap but when it was warm it was soft and runny.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - live in the polar regions and made some polar bear biscuits - image 1

We explored different ways of melting and breaking ice to rescue the frozen animals from blocks of ice. We filled ice cube trays with water and put the small world figures into the water. The water froze in the freezer and then we played with the frozen figures, pretending they were ice skating.

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Chinese New Year

This week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year. We made paper lanterns, colourful rice shakers and paper chain dragons. We listened to traditional music and used colourful materials to do our own dragon dance. At snack time we tasted some Chinese food such as noodles, rice, prawn crackers and different sauces. In the role play area we practised using chopsticks and dressed up in traditional Chinese clothes.

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Chinese New Year - image 0

“When something is tricky we keep on trying and don’t give up”

Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - “When something is tricky we keep on trying and don’t give up” - image 0

Printing and making marks with paint and collage

The children have been making winter pictures and underwater scenes. They explored a variety of paint and collage materials to create their artwork. They used different tools to make marks with the paint such as rollers, sponges, pom poms, nail brushes, cotton buds, corks etc.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Printing and making marks with paint and collage - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Printing and making marks with paint and collage - image 2
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Printing and making marks with paint and collage - image 3

Christmas card postal walk

The children went for a walk in the local area. We talked about different types of houses that we saw and posted Christmas cards to some of our neighbours in the nearby bungalows. The children were very happy to receive a Christmas card back from one of the neighbours. We talked about how our act of kindness had put a smile on someone’s face and thought about other ways we can be kind to each other.


Week Ending 11th November

In PE we have been practising and developing our balancing skills. We read the story ‘The Gruffalo’ and acted out parts of the story as we balanced along the apparatus e.g. stretching out our arms like the owl as we balanced side ways.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Week Ending 11th November - image 1
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Week Ending 7th October

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Week Ending 7th October - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Week Ending 7th October - image 2
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Week Ending 7th October - image 3

Colour Mixing and Caterpillars

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Colour Mixing and Caterpillars - image 1
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Our First week in Butterflies

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Our First week in Butterflies - image 1